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Meet Rachel

Meet Rachel

Rachel’s husband was controlling and demeaning. She had a job that she dreaded. Her family lived several states away and she had new grandbabies she hadn’t met yet.

“I was miserable,” Rachel recalls.

When her marriage ended, Rachel took the opportunity to start fresh. She moved to Florida to be closer to family and began to dream about this second chance at a happier life. She harbored a secret passion for baking but never thought it would lead to a job, let alone a sustainable career. Little did she know that the support and training she needed was just a phone call away. Her aunt pulled out a magazine article that mentioned Second Harvest’s Culinary Training Program and encouraged her to apply.

Rachel spent 16 weeks practicing her knife skills and building her confidence with life skills. Each week brought new challenges, new techniques and new cuisines. Rachel learned to take each task one step at a time. Today she is happily working at Disney’s Coronado Springs Resort in banquets and catering.

“I’ve never been so blessed to have an opportunity like this program,” said Rachel. “What the future holds is unknown, but the sky is the limit.”

Thank you for supporting students like Rachel with your A Spoon Full of Hope purchases.

Culinary Training Program
The Second Harvest Culinary Training Program provides qualified, economically challenged adults with the culinary and life skills training needed to pursue a sustainable career in the food industry. To learn more or apply visit,

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